Recaptcha automated validation

A Brand-New Way to Solve ReCaptcha V2

Please note our system tries to load a captcha as regular and if it didn't work it tries to load as invisible.So our system can handle both visible and invisible captchas even if isinvisible parameter is not set.

Recent changes in google algorithm for invisible recaptcha
To solve invisible recaptcha please add new parameter isinvisible=1 so we know

Recaptcha automation (Normal and invisible)

How to pass recaptcha Without Relying On Browser Emulation

In this tutorial, we will show you how you can pass captchas without having to emulate browser or send us images. This new method also provides you with a 100% accuracy rate.


First, we will go over captcha's algorithm. Let's take a look at the traffic and where it is being sent.

  1. That recaptchais uploaded from Google servers when the visitor opens the page
  2. The visitor solves the captcha
  3. Google verifies the answer after it is solved and responds with the code in the field
  4. The visitor fills in the forms of the page
  5. The visitor sends all of the completed forms with this code sent from the "g-recaptcha-response" field
  6. The site receives all of the data from the visitor. Once collected, it asks Google to verify from the "g-recaptcha-response" field
  7. If Google finds that the code is valid, the site continues

Solving the Recaptura Scheme:

  1. Fill in all the required fields
  2. Send us the Site_Key
  3. We will then upload the captcha to our servers and a captchaid will be returned
  4. Once the worker solves the capture, the g-recaptcha-response is ready.
  5. You can get g-recaptcha-response by sending the captchaid in GetRecaptchaText
  6. You then input the answer in the field to pass the input field


$2.50 per 1000

Look through the HTML code on the page and find the captcha:

  1. Look for this parameter data-sitekey=
    Then send it back to us as the parameter googlekey=%data-sitekey%
  2. Look for this text
    < textarea id="g-recaptcha-response" name="g-recaptcha-response" class="g-recaptcha-response" style="width: 250px; height: 40px; border: 1px solid #c1c1c1; margin: 10px 25px; padding: 0px; resize: none; "> < /textarea">
    Enter the answer we give you here

API used to communicate with our servers:


Use this address to upload your captchas:
Once you send your data to us, we will send you captchaid that appears like this:
Where CAPTCHA_ID is the ID of the captcha
Below are the following parameters you need to use to send to our server:

POST Parameter Value Parameter Description
method action Required parameter. This tells us it is a recaptcha, that needs to be solved by us
pageurl %URL% Required parameter. This is the URL of the page that the recaptcha was encountered at. You will be able to specify either the whole URL or the domain name. Once the assigned captcha is given to a worker, they will get the context sent to them from the site
username username Required parameter,if token is not provided. USERNAME of your imagetyperz account
password password Required parameter. PASSWORD of your imagetyperz account
affiliateid affiliateid Bot Users can use to pass their affiliate id.
googlekey %data-sitekey% Required parameter. This is the open key of the site, where the recaptcha is installed. It can be located atthe page's HTML code
proxy %proxy_ip:proxy_port% Optional parameter. Worker will solve captchas using the proxy that is specified.
Proxies need to be HTTP, without and with authentication: %proxy_ip:proxy_port:proxy_user:proxy_password%
isinvisible 0 or 1 0 for visible,1 for invisible

Use this address to get text for your captchas:
Once you send your data to us, we will send you captcha text that appears like this:
If the captcha is not yet ready then we will send you the below message
if the captcha is timed out then we will send message like below
Below are the following parameters you need to use to send to our server:

POST Parameter Value Parameter Description
method action Required parameter. This tells us it is a recaptcha, that needs to be solved by us
username username Required parameter, if token is not provided. USERNAME of your imagetyperz account
password password Required parameter. PASSWORD of your imagetyperz account
captchaid 1203285608 Required parameter. This is the captcha id which you got during the upload.

Upload Captcha using URL:

Upload Invisible Captcha using URL:

URL to get answer key:

Using Token:

Use this address to upload your captchas:
Once you send your data to us, we will send you captchaid that appears like this:
Where CAPTCHA_ID is the ID of the captcha
Below are the following parameters you need to use to send to our server:

POST Parameter Value Parameter Description
method action Required parameter. This tells us it is a recaptcha, that needs to be solved by us
pageurl %URL% Required parameter. This is the URL of the page that the recaptcha was encountered at. You will be able to specify either the whole URL or the domain name. Once the assigned captcha is given to a worker, they will get the context sent to them from the site
token token Required Parameter, if username is not provided. TOKEN of your imagetyperz account
affiliateid affiliateid Bot Users can use to pass their affiliate id.
googlekey %data-sitekey% Required parameter. This is the open key of the site, where the recaptcha is installed. It can be located atthe page's HTML code
proxy %IP proxy% Optional parameter. Worker will solve captchas using the proxy that is specified
proxytype HTTP proxytype
isinvisible 0 or 1 0 for visible,1 for invisible

Use this address to get text for your captchas:
Once you send your data to us, we will send you captcha text that appears like this:
If the captcha is not yet ready then we will send you the below message
if the captcha is timed out then we will send message like below
Below are the following parameters you need to use to send to our server:

POST Parameter Value Parameter Description
method action Required parameter. This tells us it is a recaptcha, that needs to be solved by us
token token Required Parameter, if username is not provided. TOKEN of your imagetyperz account
captchaid 1203285608 Required parameter. This is the captcha id which you got during the upload.

Upload Captcha using URL:

Upload Captcha using URL for Invisible captcha:

URL to get answer key:

Errors Description
INVALID_DOMAIN Wrong domain. Check your domain.
INVALID_SITEKEY Wrong site key. Check your site key.
AUTOMATED_QUERIES Proxy send is blocked temporarily. Change your proxy.
NOT_INVISIBLE Captcha is not invisible
LIMIT_EXCEED Server is overloaded

API Libraries for Recaptcha V2 with proxies with and without authentication

Download PHP API

Download JAVA API

Download Perl API

Download Python API

Download Ruby API

Command line program API (Windows)

Command line program API (Linux)


API Libraries for Recaptcha V2 without proxies

Download PHP API

Download JAVA API

Download Perl API

Download Python API

Download Ruby API

Download iMacros API Example

Command line program API (Windows)

Command line program API (Linux)

C# HTML Decaptcha API(Posting with Example Project)

Download UBot Plugin's for All Captchas

How to send proxies to us:
If you require a login and password for your proxy:
Login: login
Password: password
Proxy IP:
Port: 80
Type: SOCKS4

Below is the format for sending to the site
Proxytype="SOCKS4" Use this if your proxy allows access from only a certain amount of IPs
To add our serverto the list of IPs that are able to send requests to your proxies:
Note: This type of IP-address can change. If the proxy that you are using is linked to an IP, we suggest that you pay attention to any changes on the page.

For this case:
Proxy IP:
port: 80
type: HTTP
Format for sending to